Pardon the dust
Testing, testing, one, two, two. This thing on? Good. Ahem.
Welcome to our humble studio, Dysmys Games. It's been a whirlwind of a week getting all this set up, so don't mind the mess as we get things in order. For now, let's start with a tour of the website, shall we?
Seeing as you got, well, here, you probably already saw the home page. It serves as a sort of preview into the studio and site as a whole by featuring one of our titles, our demo reel, a cue card on how to pronounce "Dysmys", and how to get in touch. We're still determining the cadence of how often the featured game will change, but we thought, "What better way to open the doors than with our Xbox flagship title, Laser Arena?"
Speaking of games, I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but that's kind of our thing. Yes, suriprising, I know. For ease of accessibility, we've broken them down into three categories; Released Titles, Experimental Freebies, and Upcoming Releases. They're all pretty self-explanatory, but I'd be remiss if I didn't explain them regardless. Released Titles are on the market, and available for purchase. Experimental Freebies are homage works that are small-scoped projects that were simply made in good fun and meant purely for the enjoyment of others. Upcoming Releases are a glimpse into the future, and while they mostly consist of a brief splash page per title, they'll one day end up in one of the aforementioned categories. In due time, that is.
Now for the meta part of this post, we're going to talk about the Writings & Ramblings page - this page. It acts as a hub for studio information; be it the site, team members, development logs, or otherwise important tidbits, this is where it will go. We're estimating monthly posts to start off with, but this will likely flux as we get our bearings.
The About page takes a deep-dive into the history of the studio, and how it came to be. From a freelance graphic design business to a portfolio, it's a pretty interesting turn of events, so give it a read. It also puts names to faces and faces to names whenever you see the word "we".
Down the homestretch, we have a Careers page. Any and all opportunities for collaboration on projects or becoming a team member will show up there. Full transparency, there aren't any postings at the time of writing, but that doesn't have to (and hopefully won't) always be the case.
Finally, the Contact page. Just fill out the form with any questions, comments, concerns, or criticisms you might have, and we'll get back to you.
Phew. That ought to do it for this post. We'll be migrating some development logs over from one of our previous sites, so be on the lookout for those. Hit the lights on the way out, if you wouldn't mind.
Original image [Red and white Game On LED signage ] by 李林Alwen (@yuebirds) of Unsplash