...Simply put, is an independent game development studio. As for how we got here...
Here's a brief history
The seed is planted A single, solitary game that began as an assignment for a game development course garnered more attention than previously thought possible. That game was Super Mario Bros. in First Person, and at the time, it lived on a freelance imaging site called "Greene Graphics". More specifically, it was nestled in a subsection of that site, aptly named "Greene Gaming". This organization (or lack thereof) admittedly didn't make much sense; after all, video games weren't part of the services provided. But, what could be done about it?2014
Building a portfolio Restructuring as a collection of works was a step in the right direction, at the very least. There was still a heavy focus on graphic design as a whole, with animation and modeling slowly gaining influence. Games were structured into two main categories: originals and homages. As the names would imply, originals were net-new concepts, or continuations of those concepts that would be available for purchase, while homages were more "what if" scenario titles with intellectual properties that would be available for free. The more that was conceived, the more that was developed, which made way for even more concepts to arise.2020
Picking Up Steam By this point, a slew of finished titles and proof-of-concept builds were established. Most notably, the spiritual successor to Light Strike, Sunburnt, was released after a month of continuous feature development, and another of quality-of-life changes following feedback. After performing well on itch.io, it became the studio's debut on Steam (under the portfolio name, mind you, but it was still a monumental occasion).2023
Making room for more This is where the lightbulb moment happens. After being accepted into the ID@Xbox development program just the year prior, the general focus had shifted into something less static (artwork) and something much, much more dynamic (video games). Ten years after the would-be studio's first released work, it became clear that independent game development had always been a dream, and that now was the time to make it a tangible goal. And so, Dysmys Games finally came to be.
Imagine your favorite genre, or even a blend of multiple genres. Imagine a game that embodies that genre, and features a world of concepts and play styles you seldom, if ever, see. Imagine that game becoming a reality. That's what we do; as gamers, and game developers.
Brandon Greene-Hooks, on studio direction and vision
Meet the people that make the dream possible

1. A role fulfilled in all works
2. An upcoming title that does not yet have an official page